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  • Edd and Cynthia Staton’s retirement plan was derailed when the Great Recession wiped them out. 
  • They took what savings they had and moved to Ecuador, where the cost of living was lower.
  • They’ve been living comfortably abroad for over a decade on a budget of $2,000 a month.

Edd and Cynthia Staton met as teenagers when Cynthia’s family moved from Charlotte, North Carolina to Atlanta, Georgia in 1964.

“We lived in the same apartment complex,” Edd told Insider. 

“He was the boy next door,” Cynthia chimed in. “We knew pretty quickly into our relationship that we were soulmates, even before we knew what that meant.” 

Shortly after they met, Edd left for college. They did distance the four years he attended the University of Georgia and got married as soon as he graduated. That was in 1971, about 51 years ago. 


The Statons started their careers in Atlanta — Edd was working for Blue Cross Blue Shield, while Cynthia worked for the US government — but it didn’t take long before they realized they wanted to work for themselves. They started a retail plant shop and experienced the ups and downs of entrepreneurship for about 15 years.  

“The life of most entrepreneurs is a financial roller coaster,” said Cynthia. Before their business took off, “there were many times when we did without a paycheck so that we could pay our employees to keep working for us. We were living on credit.”

When their two kids left home for college, they moved to Charleston, South Carolina and pivoted careers again. Cynthia got her real estate license and started working as a realtor and Edd took a job as a marketing rep for banks that specialized in automobile financing — and started investing in small rental homes. 

“The plan was, as we approached retirement, to start selling those properties on a specific schedule,” explained Cynthia.


That plan was derailed in 2008 when the Great Recession wiped them out. 

Two years prior, they had moved to Las Vegas for Edd’s job. “The real estate market was going crazy in Vegas and so we bought a house at what we didn’t know at the time was the top of the market,” he said. “Just two years after we’d gotten there, not only did we lose our jobs but we lost our industries: Nobody was buying cars or homes in 2008. Our life imploded.”

The value of their primary home went down two-thirds almost overnight and their investments, including their rental homes, plummeted.

“Our retirement plan disappeared,” said Cynthia. “Looking back, we would have done much better had we sold them all at once before we moved to Las Vegas but hindsight is always 20/20.”


Moving to Ecuador to stretch their dollars: ‘We knew that something drastic had to happen’

The Statons lost their jobs and properties, but they had a little less than $200,000 in savings.

“I pulled all of our money out of the stock market as soon as the warning bells sounded so that money didn’t go away like the value of our house, so that’s what saved us and gave us something to work with,” explained Edd.  

It was enough to live off of for a couple of years, but not nearly enough to fund a retirement.

They both started job searching. Cynthia had no luck, while Edd found something that paid about half of what he was earning before, he said: “We knew that something drastic had to happen.”


Edd floated the idea of moving abroad to a country with a lower cost of living. He figured they could stretch their savings until they started receiving Social Security.

Cynthia agreed, and they put together a list of what they wanted this place to have. After all, “we were talking about making this our new home,” she said.

Cost of living was at the top of it, but they also wanted a country that was relatively accessible to the States so they could easily visit their kids and grandkids. Other must-haves were a temperate climate, a walkable, mid-sized city, and a country with good, affordable healthcare.

edd cynthia staton
The Statons have been married for 51 years.
Courtesy of Edd and Cynthia Staton

They spent hours researching cities online before stumbling upon Cuenca, the third largest city in Ecuador.


“From what we read and the pictures we saw, everything about this place looked great to the point where, with the limited money we had left, we decided we had to check it out,” said Edd. When you’re thinking about uprooting your life and moving to a foreign country, “you can’t just depend on an internet search and chatting with people on Facebook,” he added. “It’s too important for that.”

In July 2009, they flew to Cuenca for a scouting trip and, “after 10 days, it exceeded our expectations,” said Cynthia. “We got on the plane to come home and said, ‘I guess we’re moving to Ecuador.'”

They spent nearly a year preparing for the move and, in May 2010, packed their furniture and belongings in a 40-foot shipping container and boarded a flight to their new home.

Living stress-free on $2,000 a month in Ecuador for 10 years

Their immediate hurdle was finding a place to live. They stayed in a hotel while apartment hunting and, for a while, “we couldn’t find a place that could hold all of our stuff,” said Cynthia. 


After touring a lot of too small, two-bedrooms, they found a 3,000-square-foot, two-story penthouse with four bedrooms and 4.5 bathrooms. 

“It was incredible,” recalled Edd, but they figured there was no way they could afford it.

As it turned out, it fit comfortably within their budget: Rent cost $600.

At the time, Edd was 61 and months away from being able to take early Social Security (you can start receiving your retirement benefits as early as age 62), while Cynthia was 58, meaning there was a small period where they didn’t have any income coming in and were living off of their savings. They set a strict budget of $2,000 a month and, even though they both receive Social Security now, they’ve maintained that same budget over the past 12 years. 


The Statons moved into the penthouse and stayed for 10 years. Over the decade that they lived there, rent increased marginally: from $600 to $700.

Other monthly fixed costs included a building maintenance fee of $50 and utilities (water, electricity, and gas), which cost about $65 a month. They paid about $30 for internet and didn’t set up a cell phone plan. They simply bought minutes when they needed them, which came out to about $10 a month. 

As for food, they spent about $500 a month on groceries and $160 on eating out. 

edd cynthia staton
The Statons’ monthly food budget in Cuenca was about $660: $500 for groceries and $160 for eating out.
Courtesy of Edd and Cynthia Staton

“In Latin American countries, the main meal of the day is midday. It’s made from scratch every day and includes hearty portions and multiple courses, and it’s so inexpensive,” explained Cynthia. For example, a fixed menu lunch at a local eatery with fresh juice, an appetizer, entrée, and dessert would cost about $3. “We’ve learned to control our food budget by eating more like the way locals eat.”


Their budget also included a gym and yoga studio membership, which cost about $100 a month, and they treated themselves to 90-minute massages once a month, which ran about $45 each. 

They joined Ecuador’s national healthcare plan, which anyone can do as a resident. 

“We had 100% coverage with zero deductible, and no restrictions for pre-existing conditions or age,” said Edd. When they first joined the plan, “for both of us combined, our monthly premium was just over $80 a month. Now it’s up in the high 80s.”

They ended up having to use it when Cynthia had a pulmonary embolism. After a trip to the emergency room and a week in the hospital, she was treated and discharged with zero out-of-pocket costs.


“We haven’t had to use healthcare in every country we’ve visited, but we always ask about it,” said Cynthia. 

The couple has been traveling a lot more over the past two years. After 10 years in their Cuenca penthouse, they gave it up to travel the world. Currently, they’re in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

They’ve managed to stick to a $2,500-a-month budget while traveling by selecting countries with a low cost of living.

“You’re not going to save money by going to Switzerland,” said Edd. “Then, if you can double down with places like Argentina or Colombia where there’s an incredibly favorable exchange rate compared to the US dollar, then your money just goes further and further.”


As an expat, it’s important to be aware of how the local economy works so that you don’t disrupt it. 

For example, “a lot of Americans will overpay for taxi rides or overpay when tipping because they feel like the locals don’t charge enough,” explained Cynthia. “But if you don’t understand what the going rate is and you’re overpaying, then you’re disrupting the local economy. If a bag of apples is $1, don’t pay $5 for it. Would you do that in the States?”

If you’re going to transplant yourself into a different economy and culture, “it behooves you to understand what that looks like and how much that costs,” she added. “Go along with what the locals do. Embrace the way they do certain things rather than trying to fix it or even understand why.” 

After years of being retired abroad, the Statons now teach other people how they can do something similar. They’ve written three books about living abroad and created a paid online program called Retirement Reimagined


They make some money from the program, consulting services, and freelance writing, but they’re not dependent on that extra income.

“Our fixed income can pay for the life that we have,” said Cynthia. “We know what it is, we organize our life according to that, and we’re able to save some money, too. Anything else that comes in just enhances our lives.”

They imagine their lives would look much different had they stayed in the States. 

“Like so many other people in our demographic group, we would have had to find other jobs to survive and I think we would have a lot of financial stress, which we don’t have now,” said Cynthia. 

The very first part of the expat experience is not easy. There’s no way to sugarcoat it. Expat Edd Staton

It took courage to make the leap, Edd noted: “The biggest challenge is when you first show up. The first 90 days, it’s massive newness, and it’s really hard to cope. You’re in a new country, it’s a new language, you don’t know anybody, you don’t know where anything is, and you have no routine.

“It quickly starts becoming pretty great but the very first part of the expat experience is not easy. There’s no way to sugarcoat it. You just have to get through it and keep smiling and keep laughing at all the mistakes you make.”

If you’re prepared for that, “this life could happen for anyone,” Cynthia added. “We aren’t that special. But what we did was, we embraced being okay about not knowing how all the details would unfold. And it has made for such an interesting life.”