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Beyond The Sun: Discovering Mediterranean Destinations In The Off-Peak Season

4 min read
Beyond The Sun: Discovering Mediterranean Destinations In The Off-Peak Season  Travel And Tour World

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Reading Time: 4 minutes


Unlock the potential of Mediterranean tourism beyond summer 2024 with key insights into off-peak trends, market dynamics, and travel opportunities.

The Data Appeal Company, a member of the Almawave Group, has unveiled an in-depth report on the tourism trends and forecasts for France, Greece, Italy, and Spain following the summer of 2024. Utilizing the D / AI Destinations platform for destination marketing and management, the report provides a detailed analysis of significant patterns and market dynamics as the peak summer season concludes. This study offers crucial insights for the travel and hospitality sector, examining tourism trends, OTA rates, and Global Distribution System (GDS) flights for September and October in comparison to the busy summer months. Key findings from the report include:

  • Italy and Spain: Both countries exhibit similar trends with domestic markets dominating in August but experiencing a 9-10% decline in September and October. Notably, Italy is the only country where GDS bookings in September surpass those in August.
  • Greece: Unlike the other countries, Greece primarily attracts international visitors in both high and low seasons.
  • France: The Olympics have a substantial influence, driving OTA rates up from late July to early August, with stability maintained until early October.
  • Americans and Germans: These nationalities are the top markets for GDS flight bookings to all analyzed destinations in September and October.

“Our analysis confirms consistent post-summer season trends across all examined destinations with specific noted differences. The extension of the summer tourism season beyond expectations, as indicated by data following the peak in August, could have positive sustainability impacts by reducing the risk of summer overtourism”, explains Damiano Meola, Director of Marketing at The Data Appeal Company. Meola emphasizes, “The decrease in accommodation prices across all analyzed countries in September and October presents an opportunity for budget-conscious travelers and a potential strategy to extend the tourism season”. He concludes that “the increase in visitors from diverse markets, particularly from the United States and Germany, during the off-peak season highlights a growing trend among travelers to avoid the congestion of August, opting for less crowded and potentially more economical periods”. 

The Data Appeal Company specializes in gathering and analyzing online feedback, geographic, and contextual data to simplify data usage and understanding. Their mission is to empower businesses and tourist destinations to make informed decisions.

Highlights per Country


The 2024 Olympics have significantly shaped tourism patterns in France, with OTA rates surging from late July to early August and remaining stable until early October. The domestic market sees only a slight decline (-3%) in September and October compared to August. While French travelers reduce international trips post-summer, there’s an increase in German and British tourists. Additionally, there’s a notable rise in visitors from the USA and emerging Asian markets such as South Korea and Japan. This trend suggests that France continues to attract international tourists beyond the summer peak, bolstered by the Olympics’ extended impact.


Greece is characterized by a predominantly international tourist base in both high and low seasons. Domestic visitors make up only 16% in August, dropping to 10% in September and October. This period coincides with a decline in Italian and French visitors, who prefer August travel. Conversely, there is an increase in GDS flight bookings by Americans and Germans during these months. Hospitality rates in Greece consistently decrease from late August to October, reaching a 25% drop by late October. This significant seasonal fluctuation offers budget-conscious travelers a chance to explore Greece in the less crowded off-season.


Italy experiences a demographic shift in tourists post-August, with domestic tourism declining by nearly 10% in September and October. The USA and Germany become the primary markets during these months, replacing the domestic dominance of August. Accommodation rates drop by 15%, and the average length of stay shortens from 12.7 to 8.8 nights, indicating shorter visits by off-season travelers. Notably, Italy is the only country where GDS bookings in September exceed those in August, highlighting steady demand from international tourists as summer ends. This trend suggests Italy remains a favored destination for American and German tourists during the off-peak season.


Spain mirrors Italy in post-summer tourism trends, with domestic travel decreasing by 9% in September and October. This drop is accompanied by a significant rise in tourists from Germany, Sweden, and Norway, whose numbers double compared to August. Accommodation rates in Spain fall by 16% during these months, with consistent weekend rate surges indicating a demand for short getaways. The data shows a shift from Southern European travelers in August to Northern Europeans in the following months. This trend underscores Spain’s appeal as a destination for weekend travelers and those looking to avoid summer crowds while still enjoying favorable weather and reduced prices.

Americans and Germans as Top Foreign Markets

In September and October, Americans emerge as the leading market for flight bookings to Italy (22%), Greece (21%), and France (14%), while ranking as the third largest market in Spain (9%). This significant presence highlights the ongoing interest and travel flexibility of American tourists. Germans closely follow, being the second largest market in Italy (11%), Spain (10.5%), and Greece (13%). The substantial influx of both American and German tourists during these months indicates a strategic shift towards off-peak travel, favoring less crowded destinations and more economical travel periods.

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This article has been archived by Slow Travel News for your research. The original version from Travel And Tour World can be found here.
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