September 19, 2024

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Traveller of the Month: Jessica from A Wanderlust for Life

Welcome back to Traveller of the Month! Each month I’m featuring a fellow world traveller here on Teaspoon of Adventure to spread the blogger love and introduce you to another...

The post Traveller of the Month: Jessica from A Wanderlust for Life appeared first on Teaspoon of Adventure.

Welcome back to Traveller of the Month! Each month I’m featuring a fellow world traveller here on Teaspoon of Adventure to spread the blogger love and introduce you to another global storyteller.

Without further ado, meet February’s Traveller of the Month: Jessica (she/her) from A Wanderlust for Life!

And if you missed last month’s featured traveller, get to know Trevor here!

I first found Jessica through her YouTube channel which got me all nostalgic about living abroad in Amsterdam (where Jessica is now and where I studied abroad back in 2014). Since then we’ve become Twitter friends and I’m so excited to share more of her story here on my blog.

All right, onto Jessica!

Table of Contents

Please introduce yourself! What’s your travel story?

Jessica on Canal Boat

Hey, I’m Jessica, and I blame my grandparents for this insatiable travel bug. At 16, they whisked me away on a 16-day European river cruise from Vienna to Amsterdam.

They said it was a reward for being a good student, but I’m pretty sure they just wanted to infect me with their wanderlust. Before that, my idea of a trip was a short drive to the beach every few years.

Originally, I’m from a small town in Virginia about an hour’s drive from Washington, D.C. I attended a tiny college in the Shenandoah Valley, just an hour from home. Then, worked at a big university until 2014 when my college sweetheart (who’s now my husband) and I decided to spice things up by moving to Amsterdam.

He went on this wild adventure to get his Italian passport through his great grandfather, involving trips to Italy, NYC, and Philly. Crazy, right? But it got us here.

Now, we’re on a mission to explore every nook and cranny of Europe. It’s not as affordable as it once was, but you don’t need to break the bank or jet off to fancy places to stir things up. Europe’s a treasure trove of surprises, and trust me, our list of must-visit spots is only getting longer.

How did you decide to start your travel blog and what sort of stories do you share there?

A Wanderlust For Life didn’t start as anything fancy. Just another travel blog born out of my need to share experiences in Amsterdam and from our travels. Imagine living in a city with centuries of history—I still can’t fully wrap my head around it.

Over time, it morphed into creating guides and diving into the world of YouTube, where a big chunk of my creative energy now flows.

There’s something about videos that lets my personality shine more than writing ever could. Plus, it’s a blast when folks jump into the comments and join the conversation after trying out my recommendations.

My blog and YouTube channel are basically a go-to for anyone eyeing a European adventure but craving more than the usual touristy stuff.

I get a kick out of uncovering hidden gems or shedding light on a different side of a familiar city. It’s my way of saying, “Hey, there’s more to explore beyond the usual suspects!”

Jessica on bridge in Europe

What do you do when you’re not travelling or writing about travel?

I have this undeniable love of nature—it’s my happy place. You’ll often catch me strolling along the picturesque Amsterdam canals or meandering through one of the city’s many parks. There’s just something rejuvenating about being out and about.

Another love of mine is food. And not just any food, but the kind that makes your taste buds do a little dance of joy. My husband and I have turned exploring restaurants and cocktail bars into a full-fledged hobby.

There’s a thrill in uncovering hidden gems and savoring the unique flavors that each place has to offer. We’re on a mission to taste our way through the city’s culinary scene, always on the lookout for the next delectable discovery.

What destination totally surprised you?

The Peloponnese Region in Greece is a total game-changer. It blindsided me in the best way possible—utterly gorgeous, ridiculously diverse, and dripping with history.

The people? Top-notch. The roads? Surprisingly smooth. And the food? Whoa. Don’t even get me started. Plus, bonus points for English being thrown around like confetti.

It’s just a few hours from Athens, but stepping into the Peloponnese feels like teleporting to a different universe. I’ve got this itch to go back and uncover all the hidden gems it’s keeping under wraps.

What destination totally let you down?

Now, let’s talk about Paris. It just doesn’t hit the right notes for me. I’m all about vibes, and Paris and I? Not vibing.

Big cities and I usually aren’t best buds. However, throw London and Hong Kong into the mix, and suddenly I’m head over heels. Go figure! Let’s just leave it at that, shall we?

Jessica in front of Tower Bridge in London
London, UK

What do you wish you saw more of in the travel industry?

Diversity. Travel, after all, is a deeply personal journey, and when it comes to breaking down barriers, I’m all about embracing diversity in every shade it comes in.

There are people out there itching to explore the world but wonder if they can because of something holding them back—a medical concern, size, accessibility, you name it. Representation isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a game-changer.

“I want to see a kaleidoscope of travelers sharing their unique experiences.”

– Jessica, A Wanderlust for Life

And it’s not me saying that we need more travel influencers; it’s a call for destinations and PR companies to roll out the welcome mat for these diverse voices. Let them explore, let them share—because everyone deserves a seat at the travel table.

What do you wish you saw less of?

Let’s talk about those repetitive lists. Guilty as charged, maybe, but now I’m on a mission to break free from the cycle.

Sure, there’s nothing wrong with a classic top 10 list, but let’s dive deeper. Let’s unearth the unexpected, follow our passions, and give readers a little more than they bargained for.

It’s time to move beyond the known and venture into uncharted territory. Who’s with me?

What advice do you have for newbie travellers?

Cliché, but it’s a cliché for a reason—just start.

If you’re new to traveling, dip your toes in with a staycation, then level up to a weekend trip an hour or two away. Gradually, extend your adventures to a week away or embark on a road trip.

Confidence is your best travel buddy, and building it is key.

Any advice for aspiring travel bloggers?

For aspiring bloggers, take a page from the same book—just start. The internet is flooded with Instagram and YouTube accounts offering basics. Blogging demands time and effort, so toss the idea of overnight success out the window.

Stay true to your why, and you’re golden. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

Jessica in a beekeeping suite handling bees

What is the longest trip you’ve ever been on? Shortest?

The longest trips I’ve taken were the times I followed my husband for work, and those ventures led us to Hong Kong twice and Singapore once, each lasting two weeks. That’s pretty much my threshold for being away from home.

Now, here’s the twist—I’ve mentioned my aversion to cities, but Hong Kong managed to win me over. The contrasts between its different areas, the blend of cultures, the perfect chaos—it all adds up to an unparalleled travel experience.

Singapore was good too, but it didn’t quite steal my heart like Hong Kong did.

On the flip side, my shortest journey was probably to Laag Holland, a region within Noord Holland (the province Amsterdam calls home).

Just a hop, skip, and a jump north of my place, it feels like a world away even though I can cycle there in 30 minutes. Farms, forts, dikes, windmills—you name it, Laag Holland has it.

The beauty of the Netherlands is in its variety, and that’s something many people overlook. Sometimes, the most memorable adventures are right in your backyard.

How do you keep your wanderlust up when you’re stuck at home?

When I’m home, I’m content for about 2-4 weeks, but that tends to vary with the seasons.

To keep my wanderlust alive, I dive into planning and indulge in the world of YouTube travel videos. There’s something magical about getting lost in the narratives of other explorers.

And day trips. They’re always a good idea.

For a dose of inspiration, I turn to trusty companions like Lonely Planet and National Geographic inspiration books or flip through the pages of Wanderlust magazine.

Last year, I stumbled upon a gem titled “Food Journeys of a Lifetime” by National Geographic—given my foodie tendencies, resistance was futile! It’s like a culinary adventure without leaving the comfort of my home.

Tallinn Christmas Market
Tallinn Christmas Market

What is the best local festival or celebration you’ve attended?

It’s a toss-up between King’s Day and PRIDE in Amsterdam.

Let’s talk about King’s Day first—it’s the Dutch version of a national party, celebrating the king’s birthday (yep, we have a king, just like the UK). Picture this: streets flooded with people decked out in orange (a nod to the House of Orange) or sporting the patriotic red, white, and blue.

In Amsterdam, there’s a sort of official/unofficial canal parade that turns the city center into a glorious mess of celebration. Music echoes from every corner, and it’s an all-out, orange-infused party.

(Note from Riana: I got to experience King’s Day when I studied abroad in Amsterdam in 2014 and can confirm that it is definitely an all-out, all-orange party!)

Now, PRIDE takes the festivities up a notch. Spanning several days with events scattered across the city, it all leads up to the spectacular canal parade.

What makes it even more remarkable is the meticulous organization and themed floats that surpass even the grandeur of King’s Day.

From big companies to the police and fire departments, everyone joins the celebration, creating an atmosphere of pure love. It’s nothing short of amazing.

What destination is calling your name in 2024?

After trying for years, we finally got seats at Noma. This is a three-Michelin-star restaurant in Copenhagen that has been labeled the best restaurant in the world for many years and will be closing soon.

It’s basically a life-long dream (at least as long as I’ve been a foodie) and we couldn’t be more excited. So, we’ll have to create a trip around that lunch!

Jessica walking on rocks by the water

There are moments when I second-guess my travel skills, but then I remember that even frequent travelers are still human.

When things go haywire, there might be a surge of anxiety or panic, depending on the situation. But I’m pretty on top of things when it comes to planning—I take precautions to avoid major mishaps. Of course, that’s not always foolproof.

To shed some light on how I dodge travel hiccups, here are a few tips:

  • Opt for morning flights to minimize potential delays, and if a delay or cancellation does occur, there’s a better shot at snagging another flight that same day.
  • Being a loyal KLM/Air France flier with status has its perks. Joining rewards programs for frequent transportation users is a game-changer.
  • And whenever possible, plan a buffer day—flying in at 9 pm and heading to work at 8 am the next day is tempting but a stress-inducer. A buffer day lets you decompress at home before diving back into the routine.

During my peak season, I might find myself home for a mere two days before hitting the road again. I rarely plan anything for the day I’m flying or taking the train—delays are par for the course, and I don’t want to jeopardize any reservations at my destination.

Keeping things in perspective is crucial. Ensure you have money, your passport, and a means to get online. Beyond that, things tend to smooth out. Carry a credit card for emergencies if possible.

And if all else fails, give yourself the grace to be upset—feeling it and working through it is perfectly fine. Then, strategize your next move.

What was your biggest travel mistake?

I just did a big one. I left without my wallet, my meds, and my Dutch residency card. Luckily, I was traveling with my husband and I had my passport and wasn’t leaving the Schengen Zone (which is when I would want my ID card).

I’ve also missed my flight home because I was looking at my flight to London when I checked the app, not my flight home. So those departure times were very different.

I almost missed a flight because I was watching the wrong gate.

I’ve left my house and got on my the metro without my camera (it was a press trip!).

I’ve booked the wrong dates for flights and hotels. Luckily, in Europe you can cancel flights within 24 hours and the hotel was refundable.

Jessica on a mountain in Lech, Austria
Lech, Austria

Which celebrity would you want to travel with and where would you go?

Samantha Brown. She’s America’s travel sweetheart and I’ve been watching her since she started on television. My grandmother and I used to watch her together, bonding over our shared love for travel.

In a way, she might be the reason I ventured into YouTube videos. I really enjoy her presenting style and humor. In fact, I had the honor of meeting her husband at a travel trade show in Berlin and even provided them with some tips when they visited Amsterdam.

Of course, since I don’t actually know her, there’s always a question mark over how well we’d get along, but it could be a blast!

As for the destination, Italy would be the dream. Given my deep love for the country and its various regions, exploring the charming villages and reconnecting with small producers I encountered on a previous small group tour would be an absolute delight.

What’s your best travel memory of the last five years?

It’s surprising, but both of my standout memories involve group tours. Initially, I had reservations about group tours, as many people do.

The first exceptional experience was in Bali, where we joined a trip with our favorite YouTubers, The Endless Adventure. We had no clear expectations for the trip or the group, and we were pleasantly surprised.

The adventure was more intense than anticipated, but the group turned out to be phenomenal—I’m still in awe of how amazing everyone was!

The second unforgettable memory is from a small group trip we organized for followers of A Wanderlust For Life in Tuscany, Italy. Similar to the Bali experience, we were unsure about the group dynamics (although we were confident about the tour itinerary), and it turned out to be nothing short of incredible.

Sean and I have had this dream of sharing remarkable experiences with others beyond the digital screen, and hosting this trip in Tuscany was truly one of the best things we’ve ever done!

Jessica on a boat in Europe, touching her hand to her hat

Lastly, where can we find you online?

My blog is

My YouTube is

My Instagram is

Thank you for joining my Traveller of the Month series, Jessica! Head on over to Jessica’s blog to learn more about her life in Amsterdam and adventures around Europe. Plus, stay tuned for March’s Traveller of the Month! 

This article has been archived by Slow Travel News for your research. The original version from Teaspoon of Adventure can be found here.

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