June 26, 2024

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The Best Time to Buy International Flights for Cheap in 2024

3 min read
The Best Time to Buy International Flights for Cheap in 2024  Thrillist

Are you planning a big international trip this year but are still fretting about how you’ll afford the costs? Me too, pal. Fortunately, CheapAir.com has done the hard work of analyzing 917 million airfares around the world to help determine which times of year are the cheapest to travel. Even though experts predict that the number of Americans traveling this summer will decrease by 3%, 25% of Americans still plan on traveling international this summer. So even if there are fewer travels, the demand for international tickets will still mean that getting your hands on cheap airfare will take some strategizing.

CheapAir’s 2024 International Airfare Study determined a number of things, including the best time to purchase your tickets. For the most part, that advice is nothing new: for many destinations, you should plan to buy as early as possible. The longer you wait, the more expensive flights will be.

“This year, the best time to buy a cheap international flight to most regions is a mixed bag,” the CheapAir report states. “Some destinations could benefit from shopping early, while others give the best value a lot closer to your travel dates.”

In general, booking in advance will help you get the best prices on international flight prices. Flights to Asia, in particular, require booking at least 71 days in advance to save money. Flights to Europe require at least 320 days advanced booking to find the cheapest flights. Flights to South and Central America have the best prices 50 days in advance, and the best prices to Mexico can be found about 67 days in advance. For exact time frames for every region, you can reference the chart below:

A map of the world and the best days to buy flights for travel to each region in 2024. A map of the world and the best days to buy flights for travel to each region in 2024.
Courtesy of CheapAir.com

“The key to getting the cheapest international flights is to plan ahead and book during the ‘prime booking window’ to ensure you don’t overpay on airfare,” the CheapAir report states. “Booking international flights too early in advance or waiting last-minute can cost you a lot more.”

There are also ideal days to travel, in addition to how far you book out your trip. Depending on the location those days will vary—for destinations in Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America, the most expensive day is Sunday. For South America and Europe, the most expensive day is Saturday. You can check out the rest of the data for 2024 international flights below:

A graph displaying the cheapest day to travel for international flights based on destination. A graph displaying the cheapest day to travel for international flights based on destination.
Courtesy of CheapAir.com

Check out the complete guide, which includes suggestions for booking based on destination, on CheapAir.com. For instance, CheapAir.com’s study found that the “cheapest flights to Europe are on Tuesdays and Wednesday saving $145 per airline ticket on average compared to flying on Saturday.” That extra $145 could help you afford an extra night at a hotel or a nice dinner on your trip.

Looking for more travel deals?

Here’s our running list of all the cheap travel deals you can book right now, and you can head here for all the latest flight deals plus cheap things to do and savings on hotels, cruises, trains, and more to help you plan for your next trip.

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Opheli Garcia Lawler is a Senior Staff Writer at Thrillist. She holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Journalism from NYU’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute. She’s worked in digital media for eight years, and before working at Thrillist, she wrote for Mic, The Cut, The Fader, Vice, and other publications. Follow her on Twitter @opheligarcia and Instagram @opheligarcia.
This article has been archived by Slow Travel News for your research. The original version from Thrillist can be found here.
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