January 11, 2025

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International Tax and Plan B Strategies for 2023

4 min read
We create and implement bespoke, holistic strategies for successful investors and entrepreneurs to legally reduce their tax bills, diversify and protect their assets, become global citizens and maximize their freedom.
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What do you want to accomplish?

Let us know your goal and we will tell you how we can help you based on your details.


1. Move your business and your money offshore to reduce taxes and grow your business faster. This includes tax planning and offshore banking, companies, and merchant accounts.

2. Obtain a second residency and second citizenship to enhance your freedom and options. This includes second residencies, dual citizenship, and tax residency.

3. Take the money you save and invest overseas to earn higher returns than at home. This includes real estate, stocks, venture capital, and precious metals in global markets.


In 2008, he started researching the best places in the world to live, do business, and invest based on his father’s prescient words: “go where you’re treated best”. Later he started Nomad Capitalist to share what he was doing. Since then, Andrew Henderson has:

Andrew Henderson

… and more. Now our team helps entrepreneurs and investors to keep more of their own money, create a Plan B for turbulent times, and grow their wealth and freedom.


We help seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors create a bespoke nomad strategy using our unique, tried and true method. You’ll keep more of your own money, create wealth faster, and be protected from whatever happens in just three steps:



We use strategies like offshore companies, foreign bank accounts, and 100% legal tax strategies to help you create more wealth. (Some people nearly double their income.)



Ensure your long-term success with a second residence visa in another country, and a second citizenship as your business and wealth insurance policy.



Investment Planning. With all the money you’ve saved, you can re-invest in your business, profitable overseas real estate, or even gold and silver in a super-secret vault.


Nomad Capitalist is a great bespoke firm to help individuals “go where you’ll be treated best.” From banking, to residency, citizenships and more.


Nomad Capitalist has been very useful in determining a strategy for plan B diversification on residency, finances and taxes, and then helping practically implementing.


Relocating and moving your tax residency somewhere else is a very complex matter and I highly recommend not to go this way alone. Thank you very much to everybody on the Nomad Capitalist Team.


Nomad Capitalist is the market leader in offshore services, bar none. Whether you want a second passport or uncorrelated investments, they can help you out in a way that no other company can.


The team at Nomad are extremely knowledgable and helpful. They have helped us execute our holistic plan with ease.


Nomad Capitalist has helped me with my long term visa, exit tax, new bank accounts, second passport and also offered numerous advice and tips. Always prompt responses. Highly recommend.


My experience with Nomad Capitalist from plan creation to execution has been incredibly informative.

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We work with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors


You have a pre-tax income of $500,000 or more and/or net worth of $1 million or more running a business in consulting, Amazon FBA, e-commerce, SAAS, affiliate marketing, content creators, or anything location independent.


You make $500,000 or more and/or have $1 million portfolio buying, trading, or holding location independent investments such as Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, stocks and bonds, or forex and want to lower your taxes with a better lifestyle.

Who Do We Serve



We can handle tax planning both domestically and offshore. No more coordinating with multiple providers.


This isn’t theory for us; it’s real life. Unlike accountants or attorneys, we have years of personal experience in this field.


We coordinate financial planning like taxes, company formations, and banking with immigration and lifestyle planning to create a holistic plan, so everything fits nicely together.


Your life isn’t all about taxes, which is why we take a “left brain/right brain” approach to make sure you keep a lifestyle you love.


Please take into consideration that further correspondence will be conducted in English
We create and implement bespoke, holistic strategies for successful investors and entrepreneurs to legally reduce their tax bills, diversify and protect their assets, become global citizens and maximize their freedom.

What do you want to accomplish?

Let us know your goal and we will tell you how we can help you based on your details.


1. Move your business and your money offshore to reduce taxes and grow your business faster. This includes tax planning and offshore banking, companies, and merchant accounts.

2. Obtain a second residency and second citizenship to enhance your freedom and options. This includes second residencies, dual citizenship, and tax residency.

3. Take the money you save and invest overseas to earn higher returns than at home. This includes real estate, stocks, venture capital, and precious metals in global markets.


In 2008, he started researching the best places in the world to live, do business, and invest based on his father’s prescient words: “go where you’re treated best”. Later he started Nomad Capitalist to share what he was doing. Since then, Andrew Henderson has:

Andrew Henderson

… and more. Now our team helps entrepreneurs and investors to keep more of their own money, create a Plan B for turbulent times, and grow their wealth and freedom.


We help seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors create a bespoke nomad strategy using our unique, tried and true method. You’ll keep more of your own money, create wealth faster, and be protected from whatever happens in just three steps:



We use strategies like offshore companies, foreign bank accounts, and 100% legal tax strategies to help you create more wealth. (Some people nearly double their income.)



Ensure your long-term success with a second residence visa in another country, and a second citizenship as your business and wealth insurance policy.



Investment Planning. With all the money you’ve saved, you can re-invest in your business, profitable overseas real estate, or even gold and silver in a super-secret vault.


Nomad Capitalist is a great bespoke firm to help individuals “go where you’ll be treated best.” From banking, to residency, citizenships and more.


Nomad Capitalist has been very useful in determining a strategy for plan B diversification on residency, finances and taxes, and then helping practically implementing.


Relocating and moving your tax residency somewhere else is a very complex matter and I highly recommend not to go this way alone. Thank you very much to everybody on the Nomad Capitalist Team.


Nomad Capitalist is the market leader in offshore services, bar none. Whether you want a second passport or uncorrelated investments, they can help you out in a way that no other company can.


The team at Nomad are extremely knowledgable and helpful. They have helped us execute our holistic plan with ease.


Nomad Capitalist has helped me with my long term visa, exit tax, new bank accounts, second passport and also offered numerous advice and tips. Always prompt responses. Highly recommend.


My experience with Nomad Capitalist from plan creation to execution has been incredibly informative.


We work with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors


You have a pre-tax income of $500,000 or more and/or net worth of $1 million or more running a business in consulting, Amazon FBA, e-commerce, SAAS, affiliate marketing, content creators, or anything location independent.


You make $500,000 or more and/or have $1 million portfolio buying, trading, or holding location independent investments such as Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, stocks and bonds, or forex and want to lower your taxes with a better lifestyle.

Who Do We Serve



We can handle tax planning both domestically and offshore. No more coordinating with multiple providers.


This isn’t theory for us; it’s real life. Unlike accountants or attorneys, we have years of personal experience in this field.


We coordinate financial planning like taxes, company formations, and banking with immigration and lifestyle planning to create a holistic plan, so everything fits nicely together.


Your life isn’t all about taxes, which is why we take a “left brain/right brain” approach to make sure you keep a lifestyle you love.


Please take into consideration that further correspondence will be conducted in English
This article has been archived by Slow Travel News for your research. The original version from Nomad Capitalist can be found here.

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