• Germaine Arenas took three economy flights to travel from Canada to Singapore.
  • Arenas said she prepared well before the flight to make sure she got ample rest on board.
  • She advises travelers to choose a red-eye flight when there’s a big time difference.
This as-told-to story is based on a conversation with Germaine Arenas, a 27-year-old traveler and accounting analyst from Winnipeg, Canada. It’s been edited for length and clarity. I was born in the Philippines, grew up in Singapore, and moved to Canada when I was 18. I hadn’t visited Singapore since 2010 and wanted to show my boyfriend — who was also born in the Philippines and moved to Canada in his 20s — where I grew up. So we planned a monthlong trip to the Philippines in September, with a two-day stopover in Singapore. We live in Winnipeg, a city some 62 miles from the US-Canada border. Winnipeg International Airport isn’t a main hub for international flights, so we had to take three flights.
The round-trip economy ticket from Winnipeg to Manila, including a stopover in Singapore, was $2,100. The journey started with a flight on Air Canada from Winnipeg to Vancouver. From there, after a three-hour layover, we boarded a 15-hour flight on Philippine Airlines to Manila, where we waited for four hours before boarding the last leg to Singapore. In total, we traveled for some 28 hours, including layovers. While long-haul flights aren’t the most comfortable, I did the following three things to improve my trip.

1. Pack essentials to help you sleep

I have a hard time sleeping on flights. As getting shut-eye on long-haul flights is essential, I always pack melatonin supplements.
Another essential for me is noise-canceling earbuds. I was surrounded by kids and babies on the flight from Vancouver to Manila. Wearing earbuds made blocking out the noise on the plane easier, so I was well-rested despite the long travel. Other items like travel pillows and blankets could also help make a cramped seat more comfortable, especially when traveling economy. There’s a 14-hour time difference between Winnipeg and Singapore, but the night flight helped minimize jet lag. Despite the red-eye flight, I found it easy to get plenty of sleep, so I was energized when we finally arrived in Singapore in the morning.
airport lounge in canada
Arenas avoids buying food at the airport as they often have a massive mark-up.
Courtesy of Germaine Arenas

2. Stock up on food before heading to the airport

I use a checklist whenever I travel. This ensures I pack enough food before leaving for the airport. On long-haul trips, having more food with you is better than not having enough. The airport is often a chaotic place, with inflated food prices. Many travelers hesitate to purchase food and end up hungry and tired on the plane. By packing snacks and ready-to-eat meals, I make sure I have something to munch on, especially during layovers.
I also use a checklist to pack clothes that can be layered in my carry-on bag, especially with Canada and Southeast Asia having very different weather. This ensures I don’t feel too stuffy or hot during layovers.
mountains in canada
Germaine Arenas had to take a domestic flight from Winnipeg to Vancouver first before hopping on an international flight.
Courtesy of Germaine Arenas

3. Let others deplane first

After a long flight, most passengers are itching to get off the plane. I noticed many passengers tried to rush and squeeze between the plane’s tight aisle to get off first. After several flights, it got frustrating and uncomfortable, especially when I was struggling to get my bags, as everyone else was trying to do so too. I learned to let others disembark first — this let me take my time when retrieving my bags. It also helped me stay relaxed on my daylong flights and avoid arguments with other passengers.
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