In the next instalment of our digital nomad series, we venture into the captivating realm known as the “land of the midnight sun” and the “home of the Vikings”. This is, of...
Before the pandemic, only a small community of people worked remotely while traveling. However, the number of digital nomads has exploded ever since. The exact figure is hard to come by, but...
The jump to remote work for many during the pandemic removed geographical barriers and provided greater flexibility in how and where we do our jobs; ushering in a new type of digital...
By Laura Sharman Published: 11:05 EST, 29 January 2024 | Updated: 11:28 EST, 29 January 2024 Imagine a life where your working day starts with ordering an exotic smoothie to your desk...
Cebu Rep. Eduardo Rama Jr. introduces a 2-year digital nomad visa for foreigners to work remotely in the Philippines.House Bill 9766 allows for a 12-month initial visa, extendable for an additional 12...
Learning Better 4 min read · In a world where flexibility and connectivity reign supreme, the rise of the digital nomad has become a defining trend. The ability to work remotely while...
An influx of digital nomads to major cities in Latin America has raised alarms about increased rents, displacement, and gentrification. Digital nomads, or remote workers who lead a location-independent lifestyle and settle...
With the opportunity to travel around the world and to work from anywhere, digital nomads are an envy of many. They only need a laptop and internet connection to get working. As...
Travel Tired of Chicago winters, this Gen Xer retired at 46 and moved to Bangkok. It cut his monthly spending by half. Erin Liam 2024-11-29T00:14:02Z Share icon An curved arrow pointing right....
When I began preparing for my semester in Florence, my Google Drive was inundated with recommendations for Italian restaurants, bars, travel destinations and coffee shops.As I assumed the role of detective, I...
For more than a decade, Bali has been the destination of choice for digital nomads. Whether working as graphic designers, web builders, data analysts, or travel influencers, Bali is the original digital...
Johannesburg, South Africa — With its rolling winelands, picturesque coasts and iconic wildlife, South Africa is a prime destination for international tourists, but industry experts say the government needs to work on...
UK legislation has not previously made any reference to remote working, however guidance notes that those visiting the UK can, sensibly, respond to work emails, participate in remote meetings and calls. Guidance...