In a world where the boundaries between work and travel are blurring, digital nomads are redefining the concept of the office. From bustling metropolises to tranquil island retreats, the globe is dotted...
In a world where remote work has become the new norm, digital nomads are flocking to cities that offer the perfect blend of connectivity, culture, and community. From sun-soaked Mediterranean coastlines to...
The life of a digital nomad offers thrilling opportunities for remote workers to travel, network, and gain new experiences. However, it comes with its challenges. Without Internet access and the right devices,...
Share The Article With gentrification having ruined a number of tried-and-true workcation spots worldwide, from a no-longer-peaceful Tulum, all the way over to Tbilisi, in Georgia, where rental prices have shot through...
By ELLEN COUGHLAN FOR MAILONLINE Published: 02:30 EST, 15 November 2024 | Updated: 05:16 EST, 15 November 2024 <!-- <!-- <!-- <!-- <!-- <!-- <!-- A family who were on the brink...
This past week, Donald Trump was once again elected president of the United States, which resulted in many anxious Americans scrambling to move to other countries. While some wealthy residents dove into...
In the digital age, a new breed of adventurers has emerged: the digital nomad. These modern-day explorers have untethered themselves from traditional office spaces, opting instead for a life of work and...
While living abroad as a digital nomad comes with many perks, a big one is feeling like your paycheck goes further than it does back home in the U.S.With digital nomad visas...
Balancing travel and work can be tricky – but you don’t necessarily have to choose one or the other.Many countries offer digital nomad visas, allowing employees who can work remotely to make...
So, you’re looking to get out of the United States for the next few years. Remote workers are in luck: there are over 50 countries with digital nomad visas, including recent additions...
Real Estate I moved from the US to Ireland 5 years ago. I've never felt safer, but adjusting to the culture hasn't always been easy. Alexis McSparren Updated 2024-11-06T13:55:39Z Share icon Share...
Work and travel: digital nomads need to think about their finances in a non-conventional way (Adobe stock photograph)I recently returned from holiday, and I keep thinking about this lovely couple we met....
Spread the loveLet’s be honest; it’s hard for Black people to live in the United States. With police brutality, racism, and microaggressions at work, Black people are stepping out onto the battlefield...
Working from home has been popular for a while now, and some companies would like to see digital nomads and remote workers return to the traditional 9 to 5. However, many people...
When considering which digital nomad visa to apply for, there are more than just the eligibility requirements you have to be concerned with. You also have to consider how long it takes...
Real Estate At 26, I set off on a yearlong adventure to South America. It's been 6 years, and I have no plans to leave. Essay by Sinead Mulhern 2024-10-29T00:14:01Z Share icon...
In recent years, Malta has become a magnet for digital nomads seeking an ideal place to live, work, and thrive. As remote work becomes the new norm, many of these professionals are...
Manali Doshi/ThrillistManali Doshi/ThrillistIn the years since the pandemic began, there are more digital nomads than ever—a reported 35 million people worldwide now embrace this lifestyle, over half from the US—but the surrounding culture has...
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — National Development Council (NDC) Minster Liu Chin-ching (劉鏡清) said Thursday (Oct. 24) that Taiwan’s digital nomad program will launch in November.Reporting to the Legislative Yuan’s Economics Committee on...
As I write this from my tiny rental flat in Murches, Portugal—a village three miles north of the popular expat haven Cascais—the wind is howling and dogs bark in the distance. The...