Traveling often comes with a set of expectations. Maybe you've visited a destination you didn't know much about and it ended up being a total hidden gem. Or, on the other end...
Christian Salafia, a 51-year-old semi-retired American, moved to South Africa in 2021.He said he fell in love with the country, its people, and its way of life while visiting in 2020.He also...
After living as an expat in Hong Kong for seven years, Hannah Ho moved back home. She misses the hiking trails.Hannah HoHong Kong was Hannah Ho's dream city — until it wasn't.She...
Michelle B. Dallocchio left the US in 2019 and moved first to London and later Italy.Dallocchio, an Iraq War veteran, said she felt increasingly unsafe in the US.She said moving to Europe...
One of the perks of a remote job is the ability to work from virtually anywhere. Some men are now using this advantage to shake up the playing field, so to speak,...
The bones are what I can’t get out of my head. Ribs, spines, skulls, femurs—picked clean and bleached white as the snow glinting on the distant peaks of the Torres del Paine....
Marketing executive Ike Okonkwo is a Black expat in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, originally from San Juan, Puerto Rico. Before living overseas, this 27-year-old moved to Boston to attend Harvard University to...