The first and most important thing to consider when using a credit card abroad is whether it has a foreign transaction fee. If it does, you might as well give away 3%...
This blog may contain affiliate links. Read our disclosure policy for more info. Heading to Southern Colombia? Good – you’re going to love it! Here is a guide and itinerary to traveling...
Europe’s charm isn’t limited to its most famous tourist magnets. Here, beyond well-trodden paths, you’ll discover the allure of destinations often overlooked by most travellers. From quiet urban sprawls to hidden countryside...
Korea isn’t a cheap place to retire in Asia by any means. Still, it undoubtedly has the best living standards compared to anywhere else on this list if cost isn’t an issue....
The number of foreign document verification cases in all parts of the world has grown by an average of 21% since the summer of 2021, according to Regula. It’s even higher in...
Your university days will be the best years of your life – for international students, this can’t be true enough. This is when you’re not constrained by supervision and regular schooling hours,...
Skift Take Revenue growth will finally decelerate from red-hot growth. But that's not a sign of weakness. it's a return to normal – and that's a good thing. Seth Borko Will 2024...